Rapunzel: The One with All the Hair

Published by: Scholastic Paperbacks
Release Date: May 1, 2006
Pages: 208
ISBN13: 978-0439796569
Rapunzel is having the ultimate bad day. She’s been stolen from home by an evil witch, locked in an incredibly high tower, and doesn’t even have a decent brush for her hair. Prince Benjamin is in a pretty uncomfortable situation himself. His father wants him to be more kingly, his mother wants him to never leave her sight, and his cousin wants to get him into as much trouble as possible. Plus, there’s the little matter of prearranged marriages. . . . Both Rapunzel and Prince Benjamin are trapped . . . in very different ways. It’s only when their paths cross that things change.
“This story gives Prince Charming not only a name, but a personality. We get to know Benjamin and we actually care about him, root for him. Prince Charming has become a person…This book is highly recommended. I think girls, especially in the 9-13 age range are going to love it because it’s modern, funny and light hearted. It gives a strong message that girls are just as intelligent and strong as boys, sometimes more so in different ways. It tells girls not to just wait around for Prince Charming to save you, save yourself. It really packs a punch in a backpacked sized paperback.”
—Gina Ruiz, writer/book reviewer, Read Blog