Spring News and a Candymakers Assignment for you!


It’s been ten years since my first book — A Mango-Shaped Space — was published and it’s been a wild ride!! It took 49 rejection letters and many years of writing before that first acceptance letter, and I’m so grateful to Little Brown and Company in Boston (now NYC) who took a chance on a new writer and a strange story about a girl who sees letters and numbers in color. I want to thank all the teachers and librarians and booksellers and editors and parents and my fellow writers and especially the young readers who have read my books and haven’t stopped asking when the next one is coming out. Thank you for welcoming my stories into your heads for the last decade; I’m honored by that each and every day.

Okay, enough mushy stuff! 🙂

Those of you who have read THE CANDYMAKERS and have asked about a movie version…well here’s your chance to contribute! A wonderful screenwriter is adapting the book and would love to know: What do you want to make sure definitely shows up on the big screen? Please share your favorite parts from the book (try to avoid spoilers though). They can even be small details, but if they meant something to you, then they’re important. Getting 450 pages into a 90-minute movie won’t be easy! Writing the script is the first step on The Candymakers’ journey to the Big Screen, so let’s all go on it together! 🙂

In book news, only 8 more weeks until PI IN THE SKY hits the shelves! I was very excited when one review journal called it: “an experimental comedy that could be a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy for kids. Science and absurdity frolic together to gleeful effect.” I hope it gets everyone interested in science because that was the goal. 🙂

Twice Upon a Time: Beauty and the Beast should be out in paperback in time for summer, with THE LAST PRESENT (book 4 in the Willow Falls series) unwrapping on October 1st! I’m hoping to be able to post the first chapter of PI IN THE SKY soon, and in a few months the first chapter of THE LAST PRESENT. I’m honestly not sure what comes next in terms of any sequels to THE CANDYMAKERS or EVERY SOUL A STAR, which many of you have asked about. But if something happens, you’ll hear about it here!

And last but not least, my husband Mike and I are embarking on a new venture together…we’re writing an early reader chapter book series called SPACE TAXI!!! The first book in the series will be taking off (bad pun) Summer 2014. It’s about an 8-year-old boy who discovers his dad doesn’t just drive a regular taxi, he picks up and drops off people on other planets! Crazy adventures ensue!

As always, thank you for all your comments on these blog entries, I’m sorry i’m so far behind on posting them, it’s just that i want to respond to all your amazing thoughts and questions and there is never enough time in the day. So forgive me again, but i’m just going to post them ‘as is’ over the next few days, and hope that i answered your questions here or in a future blog.

Happy Spring!




  1. 1110cg on April 10, 2013 at 3:12 pm

    I think the most important thing for me is the setting. I really want to feel the same scenes as in the book.

    • skylie on May 7, 2013 at 1:16 pm

      So true that is a wonder full idea

      • Sabrina on September 26, 2013 at 7:07 pm

        I really want to see it as a movie it would be soo cool and i love candy!!!

      • alyssa on February 8, 2014 at 6:32 pm

        Please add the spy tools and mansion also all the rooms of the candy factory I ❤ the book candymakers it was truly awesome and it would be really cool if u could add this stuff 2 your movie

    • cassidy on September 5, 2013 at 12:23 pm

      i think that it should not be a cartoon play and i think Adam Sandler and Zenda from shake it up and i think it should have the part where they are running through the maze and go to the carousel and he was allergic to the carousel and and Daisey crazy mix and match socks i think they should have all the flash backs also i think they should have the taffy seen thank you.

      P.S sorry i wrote so much

    • Raymond on July 1, 2014 at 10:32 am

      I just want the actors who play logan phillip miles and daisy actually around 12 years old. I haged it how in percy jackson was a 20 year old actor. It just changed the plot to me. So as long as the main actors are 10-13 im okay

  2. Maddy on April 10, 2013 at 3:15 pm

    Sadley, I haven’t read the Candymakers yet, I have read 5 other books though of yours, but I really want to read this one. I’m really going to have to convince my mom to get me this. I love all your books, and it must be so exciting for 2 of your books to be made into movies in the last 10 years only. What I’m most excited for is The Last Present to come out! Willow Falls is my favourite series ever so I can’t wait! 🙂 Also from different websites I’ve read summaries for it, but I don’t know if they’re true, but I’m hoping they are. Space Taxi sounds cool, but its not coming out until 2014! 🙁 I Can’t Wait! 🙂

    • kathleen on April 13, 2013 at 8:53 pm

      yea me too abt not reading the book i will look for it 🙂

      • Anna on May 20, 2013 at 8:44 pm

        OMG You should totally read the Candymakers! It is absolutely awesome-scrumptious! Read it, I guarentee you’ll love it!

  3. Maddy on April 10, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    Sadley, I haven’t read the Candmakers yet, I have read 5 other books though of yours, but I really want to read this one. I’m really going to hav eto convince my mom to get me this. I love all the books I reda by you, and it must be so exciting for 2 of your books to be made into movies in th elast 10 years only. What I’m most excited for is The Last Present to come out! Willow Falls is my favourite series ever si I can’t wait! 🙂 Also from different websites I’ve read summaries for it, but I don’t know if they’re true, but I hope they are. Space Taxi sounds cool, but it’s not coming out until 2014! 🙁 I can’t wait! 🙂

    P.S. My coments never seem to get posted, but I also never put the website. Is the website suppose to be Wendy Mass -Author? Because I thought it meant if you have a website (which I don’t) With that, does David get to see his Dad in The Last Present? I posted that comment but I didn’t put the website.

    • Sabrina on September 26, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      I like the part where Daisy is trying to steal something and someone gets it first and sees her

  4. funke on April 10, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Thats awesome news!

  5. Abigail on April 10, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    ok are we supposed to post what we want on the candymaker movie here? if so, first i am SUPER excited tha it might be a movie!!!!!!! I really would like some of Daisy’s high-tech spy gear to be done! Also, maybe there could be a little bit more pf an illustration of logan’s scars, though i know that will be a bit different because in the book you couldn’t see it, so they were a secret until you got to the miles part. Last (though i hope not least), It would be really neat if the actor that does Phillip would make him just like a total jerk in the beginning. Though I bet it will be great! i hope they can keep the different character’s views in the movie, that migh tmake it a little different from some other movies. I am so excited a screenwriter is looking at it, please post any updates!!

  6. funke on April 10, 2013 at 4:52 pm

    I REALLY wish i could read the candymakers but its not on the shop of my e-reader. plus i haven’t seen it in any book stores. to be honest i’d rather just watch the movie than TRY to find the book.

    • 1110cg on April 14, 2013 at 12:51 pm

      I found a copy in my local library.

    • Christiana on April 24, 2013 at 8:38 pm

      Its the best book ever written

      • Nicole on July 27, 2013 at 7:56 pm

        I absolutely agree. The Candymakers is the best book ever written and I am SUPER excited for the movie (because I imagined it all in my head while reading the book and according to my imagination the movie is going to turn out AWESOME!) Anyways, I would L-O-V-E the candy factory to look super awesome (you know what I mean by super awesome– exactly like it’s described in the book!!!) I would also LOVE to see Daisy’s spy gear. It would also be amazing and unique, if the movie was told from different perspectives just like the book (Logan, Miles, Daisy, Philip, Logan) I have a question about that though: Most people here in the comments wanted that too, but can you do that in a movie??? That was AWESOME in the book but maybe in the movie that won’t be as cool. The only reason I personally want that is because my favorite thing about your book is all the surprises in it and how all the kids all sorta kinda knew each other even before the contest (which is one of the surprises). All of those were only told in the book because of the different point of views. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have really known them. (deleted spoilers here) Anyways, if you can somehow make all those surprises surprise me just as much as in the book, without the different point of views (which the only reason I don’t like as a movie is because I do not want there to be any narration in the movie– I don’t like movies like that– unless the narrator is Logan, Miles, Daisy or Philip thinking) , and if you make the candy factory look EXACTLY as described in the book (including the pictures of the candymaker and the candymaker’s father), the movie will be absolutely A-M-A-Z-N-G!!!! (just not as amazing as your book because no movie can ever beat your writing 😀
        Your fan,
        P.S. sorry about the really really really long comment

        • Wendy Mass on July 28, 2013 at 11:06 am

          Hi Nicole, love the long comments. :o)
          I know the screenwriter reads these comments and will do his best to make everyone happy while also using his own creativity to interpret the story. A perfect combo! The first draft is done now, and i’m so excited to read it! Thank you for your great thoughts.

        • madi on January 3, 2018 at 10:29 pm

          I really love the book and i imagined everything too it was sooooo cool. I realllllllllly want to play the part of daisy, although that would never happen in a million years. i really like the part when she jumps up and grabs the key from the ledge and phillip can’t make a sandwich. loagon and miles are really alike in that they are so kind. sorry for any spelling mistakes.

      • Christiana on September 15, 2013 at 8:51 pm

        I wish my favorite author Wendy would add some more fairy tales to the twice opon a time series I’ve have read them 23times because I enjoy them I wondered what would the Cinderella story would be like if she added that one to twice opon a time I would love if she had Cinderella ,arial. Snow White , Aladdin , Mulan, princess and the frog not that I don’t like the three she has written but I also would like to read more twice opon a time stories not just originals but a some more modern fairy tales as well

      • reens on April 13, 2014 at 1:28 am

        totally best book ever!!!!!!!!!!

  7. funke on April 10, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    just to clarify was mango published on april 9th?

  8. jojo on April 10, 2013 at 6:28 pm

    Hi! What I want to see in the movie is the spy mansion and the flashbacks.

    • Mya on April 30, 2013 at 7:35 pm

      Omigod that’s the best part! I love Daisys POV

      • jeff on June 6, 2013 at 4:44 pm


  9. Derpy Hooves on April 10, 2013 at 6:32 pm

    1. Foreshadowing shots of Logan’s scars- in the book, very subtle, but very powerful and key in the climax

    2. Philip. He should act like a jerk at the beginning, but it should work well into the character at the movie’s climax and falling action/conclusion. In short: explain WHY he was acting like a jerk almost in detail. Also, Philip’s notebook- also key in the climax/ conclusion

    3. Flashbacks for Miles- the scene where he watches the girl walk in into the lake. I feel this is key to his characterization

    4. Just make sure the movie explains each main character’s motives for being at the contest really well. Characterization can fall short in movie adaptations of books, and this is just too good of a book for that to happen to.

  10. Holly on April 10, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    Ahhhhhh!!!! Congrats on 10 years of writing!!!!! 49 rejections????? They must be mad at themselves now haha!!! And as for The Candymakers, I would LOVE to see it as a movie!!!!! The thing I really want to be in the movie is keeping the fact that there are four points of view. I don’t know if that would work, but if it it’s possible, I would love to see that happen since it would be a very unique idea to put into a movie. I’m also excited to see daisy’s gadgets and how the setting of the candy factory will come together!!!!! Good luck Wendy!!!!

  11. Maddie on April 10, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    Dear Wendy,
    I really loved the Candymakers and am psyched that it is becoming a movie! My friend, reminds me exactly of Daisy, and the Candymakers is her favorite book. It would be cool if she got that part. A part I would want you to include in the movie is that flashback of Milo’s memories and “fears”. That was one of my favorite scenes to read through, including the ending, which made me cry :’), with joy of course.
    Thanks, Maddie

  12. Delaney on April 11, 2013 at 1:43 am

    That is great news! I think they should include SOME type of thing were they go around the candy factory. And I ABSOLUTELY love the ending so I think that needs to be in there.
    And definitely some flashbacks, of Philip too.

    I am impatiently waiting for more of your great writing, keep it up!

  13. Holly on April 11, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    What I would like to see in the Candymakers movie? Hmm. Well, I really think it would be so awesome if they could keep the stories told from four point of veiws! The vioces for the characters could narate the story! The movie could even be put in chapters like the movie “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.”

  14. Megan on April 11, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    Yay! What I think is really important if you do a movie is THE PLOT AND HOW THE CHARACTERS LOOK MUST BE THE SAME IN THE BOOK AND IN THE MOVIE!! It really annoyed me when the girl’s hair in Percy Jackson and the Olympian was brown instead of blond. I might be the only one but it really bugged me. Also try to keep it as close as you can to the book. I know it might be hard with 4 different points of view but don’t start a whole new story with the same characters or else it isnt the book anymore.

    • Marita on May 6, 2013 at 3:06 am

      That really bugged me too!

      • cam on June 23, 2013 at 2:52 pm


  15. Erin on April 11, 2013 at 10:18 pm

    Um… I definitely want to see Philip discovering the violin the first time. FAVE character in that book. And if you don’t make an every soul a star sequel I will cry cuz it’s my favorite book you’ve written! Have fun with your space taxi! I’m SOSOSO excited because I’m gonna get Pi in the sky with a gift card from barnes and Noble! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

  16. Angel & Suzette on April 12, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    As for the Candy Makers, me & my sister, Suzette, are wondering if you are holding auditions for movie actors. My favorite parts are the Flash Backs, the Last Chapter note and pic, and Spy novel on the hillside.


    Angel and Suzette

  17. Jamision on April 12, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    Hi Wendy. I have one question, when and where is the audition? If there is going to be one I’m going to try out for Logan. To me he is so awesome. Also, I can’t wait for the first book of Space Tax! Well, have a lovely sring,Wendy



    • skylie on October 12, 2013 at 4:37 pm

      I really hope it’s not to late but I really want to audition for a part in “The Candymakers” especially because it is my all-time favorite book!

  18. Julia on April 12, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    I can’t wait for “The Last Present” to come out! I just re-read 13 gifts for the second time. I heard that there’s a kiss in The Last Present 🙂 I think I know who it is but I won’t say anything.

    • Marita on May 6, 2013 at 3:07 am

      I have a sneaky feeling it might be (shhhh!) and (shhhh!).

      • Funke on May 30, 2013 at 2:37 pm

        I know exactly which two people marita wants to kiss, mostly because you said it in one of your comments lol. I think it would be hilarious if Bucky and Angelina kissed ha ha

        • Lora on September 15, 2013 at 8:33 pm

          Lol! That would be FUNNY:) It’s probably (J) and (R) Lol! Love those books!!!! PLEASE reply:)

  19. Zoza on April 12, 2013 at 10:30 pm

    Dear Wendy,

    First of all I was VERY exited when you said The Candy Makers might be a movie!!!! The Candy Makers is an amazing book. I would really enjoy it if the movie included a flash back of when Logan was remembering who Philip was. Also, it would be kind of cool if the movie was like the book so there would be different perspectives of the story!

    Thanks, Zoza

  20. Olivia on April 12, 2013 at 11:42 pm

    So heres some stuff I think should DEFINATLY be in the candymakers movie:

    I think phillip should definatly be really nasty and mean.

    but also dont let the setting be really fake and animated, it should look like a small town, small family, small buisness.

    Also, make sure to inculde all of daisy’s gear



  21. maddie moo on April 13, 2013 at 8:26 am

    Dear Wendy, I LOVE the Candymakers, and I am so excited that it’s going to be a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m in the middle of reading it (for the 2nd time!). Last night, I had a brainstorm about it. I think it would be awesome if you wrote a series, pretty much like seaquel, about the different candymakers! There could be a book about Steve and Lenny the chocolate makers, one about Fran the taffy stretcher, one about Avery in the tropical room, Henry in Marshmallows, and maybe one about The Candymaker and his wife, and how they run the whole factory.

    Hope you like my idea!
    Maddie M.

  22. Hope on April 13, 2013 at 10:16 am

    I definitely also think the setting is super important. But I’d also like to see the different kinds of candies that are in the book, like Logan’s, Daisy’s, and Phillip’s candy that they make. I’m so excited for the last present!! I’m really hoping for a sequel to every soul a star too though….Can’t wait!
    Happy Spring
    Hope 🙂

  23. Tatum on April 13, 2013 at 12:10 pm

    I think it is important to make the movie in everyones point of view because some movies don’t do that………… I think it is awesome that there is going to be another book in the Willow Falls series. : )

    • hannah on January 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm

      I totally agree. I also just read the last present, and absolutely fell in love with it. It was deffinetely a bitter-sweet ending to the willow falls series. I would totally love it if you made some more twice upon a time books.If you are reading this wendy mass I would love to get a response from you. XOXO

      • Wendy Mass on January 2, 2014 at 9:43 pm

        Hey there! Someday i’m sure i’ll write another Twice Upon a Time book, those were a lot of fun to write. I’m glad you liked them. :o)
        Happy 2014!

  24. kathleen on April 13, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    I HAVE A REQUEST!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZ Wendy, make a second book for EVERY SOUL A STAR (If possible a movie too, i want to be an actress when i grow up) i want to know what happens with Ally and Jack & Bree. Does Bree survive the way she lives now??? Will Jack pass his class?? And how is Ally doing in the big city?? Will they ever see each other again?? If so, how?? Can you make jack loose weight too?? haha jkjk…. i just LOVE <3 your books the way they are BIG FAN KEEP UP THE AWESOME, MOST WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS WORK!!!!!!! I will NEVER stop reading your books!!!!! 😉 and PLEASE respond to this message i WILL CHECK EVERY DAY to see if you respond. Love -Kat-

    NOTE FROM WENDY: I’m getting the sense that if a sequel to Every Soul a Star doesn’t come out i’m going to keep hearing about it.I promise i’ll try to figure it out this summer. xoxo

  25. kathleen on April 13, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Wendy, all of your books have made me cry at the end i even stay up
    on my bed around 2:00 am to finish them (Don’t tell my mother) I’ve only read like 5 they’re all REAL GOOD!!! please see the message above this one it’s me again

  26. Maia on April 13, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    Hi! I really loved the Candymakers, and I think it’s great that they’re turning it into a movie. I think that the setting is very important, but also the way the story unfolds through the different characters’ perspectives until they end up at the same place really makes the story special. Lots of bright colours would be great too! Congrats on the 10 years of amazing writings!!! Your writing has been a great inspiration. 🙂

  27. Marita on April 14, 2013 at 4:35 am

    Happy Mango Anniversary! You must feel so excited about The Candymakers! I’m feeling really excited!!! I’m looking forward to finding out how they put the four way story into a movie. It will be hard to put in the mystery of not knowing about Logan’s scars until you get to Miles’ part. And also (I know this sounds strange) I really want the part where Daisy writes the note and scribbles out the name Magpie. I’ve just always really liked reading that part from everyones point of view.
    Can’t wait until The Last Present comes out. So excited!!!!! I hope it’s from Amanda’s point of view, I think she is my favourite female character. (I also really want her and Leo to kiss, and that can’t really happen if it is from someone else’s point of view.)
    Happy Spring to you too!
    Marita 🙂

    • Maddy on April 14, 2013 at 5:30 pm

      I think in another blog it says it’s in Amanda’s point of view

      • Marita on April 27, 2013 at 6:24 am

        Yeah, I saw that too.

    • Cricket on April 16, 2013 at 9:44 pm

      Wait, there’s another book!?!

  28. tania on April 14, 2013 at 10:13 am

    OMYGOSH 🙂 I have read all your books and i love them. Actually I’ve read them all about three times. I can’t wait for The Last Present, yesterday I was rereading 13 Gifts for the 4th time!! Its so cool you are going to make CandyMakers a movie (the first book I ever read by you!!) Please try to make the actors very famous people or popular actors or I don´t know but the movie seams perfect!! Oh, and I hope The Last Present is in Amandas or Leo´s point of view. In 13 Gifts the blackboard thing was kind of a cliff hanger. I love them both but Leo is my favorite character ever.
    Anyways, i hope you have a happy life,
    tania 🙂

  29. Sophie W on April 14, 2013 at 10:17 am

    Hey Wendy! First things a-first, OCTOBER 1ST omg this is by far the most important bit of information for I live off the willow Falls Series. But, a Candymakers movie sounds awesome, and here are my thoughts on which specific parts I want to see in the movie. I don’t know (obviously) if it’s staying like first we see one perspective, then when that’s over e switch perspective, and so on, until the last bit which is everyone’s. How I imagine it would be adapted would be that it keeps switching everyone’s perspective. But if it does the starting with one person for a whole scene, then switching and never going back, then here is the thing I’d like to see. At he very beginning of Daisy’s POV, she has a dream that SPOILERS SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS !!SORRY CAN’T DO THIS WITHOUT SPOILERS that she is a secret spy in a house and is best friends with all the other spies., only to find out that that couldn’t be true because she couldn’t even get along with the other girls. I had to read that passage about fifteen times to realize that she actually was a spy, and I thought it was just amazingly done and written. An amazing introduction to the character but also a good reminder that we shouldn’t assume anything about anybody. It was so strong because we thought we knew Daisy, so that line didn’t make sense, but in truth we didn’t know. If they could somehow get this into the movie (I know this would be difficult) it would be amazing. Also, as someone mentioned, Milo flashbacks in little bits until the end when we see the whole thing. hmmm anything else wow this was long and overexplained. But, congratulation on Everything Wendy. Everything from Mango to now.

  30. Kami on April 14, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    One thing that I would like to see in the movie for “The Candymakers” would be the quotes that Logan’s mom gives him everyday. I thought that was a cool idea and a fairly important part of the book.

    I loved “A Mango-Shaped Space”!! It’s one of my favorite books, and you’re one of my favorite authors!!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!!! 🙂

  31. Maddy on April 14, 2013 at 5:37 pm

    YAY! I got the Candymakers and finished reading it! What I would like to see is, Miles always talking about the afterlife and Phillip getting annoyed, the tropical room(its my favourite scene), the part where all 4 of them are in the same room but they don’t know it and what’s most important is that the characters act the same. I don’t really mind as much if they look different but I would like it if they act the same way as in the book.(but if it’s possible Miles to be short because it’s hard to picture him not) can’t wait for the movie! 🙂

    • Jane on April 28, 2013 at 10:03 pm

      I agree with everything you said!

  32. Lottie-Brooke on April 14, 2013 at 7:52 pm

    I loved the book and I really hope I can see the movie. In the movie I want to see a back flash of Logan and Philip in the candy factory 7 years ago. This book really suprised me.I just need to know, Wendy are you going to write any more books after Pi in the sky? I loved all of Wendy Mass books and so does my friend.
    My mom got my cosen 11 birthday for chistmas because I tolled her it was so good. KEEP WRITING WENDY MASS!!!!

  33. Evam on April 16, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    Happy Mango Anniversary! I love that book SO much!

    I think for the movie that you need to include at least Miles’ flashbacks and his fears. And I agree with someone else’s comment, I would love it if they had the same settings.

    Also, something a bit unrelated, but I wish that the Harmonicandy was real. 😀 That would be epic!

  34. Cricket on April 16, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Hi!!! I wrote you a letter a while ago. I’m Cricket. I thought might remember my name because its kind of crazy. Anyway, I just figured out some thing about Leap Day. By the way it’s like my favorite book but I left it at my beach house all winter and now I need to get out there and get it! I need to read it for the seventh time. I’m getting of track. So, you wrote that Rob is colorblind, right? So then later it says that Josie says that Rob says that every time he goes into Josie’s room that he gets a migraine because its so pink. Sorry, am I being all correcty and stuff. Any way I have your letter posted on my bulletin board. Love the books!!! Wait, do you need to know about pi to read Pi in the Sky? Also, I’m really hoping mango shaped space will be a movie because its soooooooo goooooooood!!! But really sad!

    • Marita on May 8, 2013 at 5:50 am

      I think maybe you’re getting confused with A Mango Shaped Space. The boy in that book (I can’t remember his name–mental blank!) is colour blind. Maybe Rob is too, but I don’t think I’ve noticed that. I really like your name, BTW!

  35. Samantha on April 16, 2013 at 10:24 pm

    I know that they can’t include everything but I would really like the characters personalities to shine through. Like Daisy being super cheery and spinning around a lot at the beginning, Phillip rolling his eyes a lot, Miles talking about the afterlife, and Logan being Logan. I also really want whats-his-name (I forgot, it’s been a while but the guy who made Daisy go mute when she was younger) to be talking into Daisy’s ear.
    I know I sound so demanding but I love the book and so I want so much to be in the movie, but if you’re happy with it Wendy then I’ll be happy with it.

    • Samantha on April 18, 2013 at 2:56 pm

      I would also really like if the fact that Philip thinks Daisy is pretty to be in the movie, I really like that part for some reason.

  36. Chris W on April 17, 2013 at 3:27 pm

    So many things are wonderful about this book, but for me above all things the movie would have to translate the complex shifts in perspective that happen (not only as we move from one point-of-view to another, but also as we develop within each point of view). Since film, even if you do POV shots, won’t always be able to reveal things (about appearances, etc.) in the same way, with such naturalness, I hope your screenwriter and director will collaborate with you to weave in some new surprises so that the film gives that sense of having seen things one way, but then suddenly seeing them again with an added dimension of understanding that changes your feelings about them. Amazingly, your book doesn’t just do this once or twice but continually, sometimes about “things” and more often about situations or people and their backgrounds– and most importantly about their connections to others. And you give just enough faint hints so that readers can begin to imagine for themselves what may be the around the corner, but are still happily surprised by what and how that flutters into reality. That state of openness and attentiveness you invite readers to experience (in everything from genre expectations to assumptions about characters or endings) — that is what creates such beautiful and triumphant sense of moral growth and deepening relationships in the book for me and my family. I strongly hope the filmmakers will remember how important that framing is for viewers, and reproduce in the language of film those kinds of progressive shifts. Thanks, by the way, for such an amazing work — it has been a really important part of our family’s sense of relationships.

  37. kt on April 18, 2013 at 11:12 am

    I am so excited. Even though I am not an early reader I still am going to read The Space taxi series

  38. cam on April 18, 2013 at 6:45 pm

    A replay of why Logan has the scars on his face and arms possibly?

    • Marita on April 27, 2013 at 6:25 am

      Oh, yeah, that would be really good! Sort of like while he’s talking about it, it flashes back to the scene, like in murder shows when they discover how it happened!

      • cam on April 27, 2013 at 1:30 pm

        Nice idea of how to open up the idea.

  39. Book worm :P on April 18, 2013 at 9:14 pm

    I love your books! I’m currently reading your book and I’m at Philip. I think that you should match Daisy as best as you can to whatt you said she looked like in the book. I have this idea that she’s a bright blonde girl who wore a really bright neon dress with diffrent colored socks. Basicly I think what she wore (in my mind) made her kinda glow.
    🙂 And congrats on 10 years! I read one book, couldn’t put it down, and now I’m trying to read maybe all of your books!

  40. Book worm :P on April 18, 2013 at 9:16 pm

    When you make Logan’s scar replay PLEEEEEEASE don’t make it kinda scary. Make it kid friendly! 😀

  41. Isa on April 19, 2013 at 10:46 am

    It’s turning into a movie! OMG! I’m telling my friends! There should be chocolate pizza. Thank you wonderful screenwriter. When will there be casting?

    • Nicole on June 11, 2014 at 9:56 am

      I wonder that IF and WHEN it turns into a movie if chocolate pizza will be a thing. Although it’s 9 in the morning, I’m craving it.

  42. Kristina on April 19, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    OMG!!! I can’t wait for a Candmakers movie!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
    Here is some stuff that would make the movie AMAZING:
    1. A detailed bit about Daisy, like in the morning when she is getting ready.
    2. About the day at the lake and how/why Miles is so afraid (the thing in his backpack).
    3. Tropical Room with the palm trees
    4. When Miles goes into the library and picks out little tidbits from the books!!! I totally love that part and really want to do it!!!!!
    5. All the candies!! Like the Harmonica and the Bacon Pop!!!!!
    6. The elaborate factory. I care more about the scences than about the characters. Although, I really want Daisy to be wearing a yellow sundress!!
    Can they please make the perspective shift (like in the book, Logan then Miles then Daisy, then Phillip)!!
    I am DYING to read The Last Present!!!! I know it will be a prefect ending to a perfect book series!! 🙂

  43. Marie on April 20, 2013 at 12:15 am

    Hi Mrs. Mass er Wendy if I can call you that. Let me just say, you are a truly gifted author and your books are absolutely positively amazing. I am a constant reader, and you are my new favorite author! Which is saying something haha. Congrats on Mango shaped space! I will never forget the magic feeling I get from reading your books, especially the first time I read one of your books, The Candymakers. A movie version sounds too good to be true. I think for me it’s important that there is the shifting points of view. Also I love how at first the book just seems like a story about a candy factory, but it ends up much more than that. I LOVE everything. I loved Daisy’s secret. I just want it to be as much like the book as possible. I was very disappointed when the Percy Jackson movie came out because it was not very accurate to the book. I don’t want that to happen to The Candymakers. I love all your books. Every Soul a Star, I just have no words, so incredible. I should probably not get started on every book haha, I could write a 5,000 page essay on every single one of your books. I love how they have meanings and plot twists, and so much amazingness. I also love how they have mystery, adventure, and a dash of romance haha. Your books are truly and an inspiration to me. (I want to be a writer) Every time I finish one of your books I get this feeling I can’t even describe. Thank your for writing and for reading this. Oh yeah! Haha I almost forgot. How do you come up with your character’s names? I can never find the perfect ones for mine. Thanks again and sorry I didn’t have more ideas for The Candymakers movie.
    -Marie <3 😀

    NOTE FROM WENDY: Thank you for all that!! I’m really touched by your words. The screenwriter is reading all these comments so no worries. About the characters names, i spend a lot of time on baby-name websites. Lots of great info on where names came from, and what they mean, and when they were popular. :o)

    • Marie on May 6, 2013 at 12:07 am

      Thanks so much for replying I can’t believe you actually did. It means so much to me. Thanks for the advice about the names and for considering my ideas. Oh my gosh, u sent me a smiley face 😀 😀 thanks again ur amazing.

  44. Kendall on April 20, 2013 at 11:33 am

    All about Daisy’s life as a spy! And definitely all about Miles’ “allergies” and all about the girl!!

  45. Winnie-The-Pooh on April 20, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Omy goshers! So excited for everything! The movie, Last Present, and PI in the sky. Maybe this is weird, but I really wanna see Phillip’s notebook. You know, the one he writes his music in? I really liked that and I think the notebook kinda summarized who he was. YOU’RE STINKING AMAZING WENDY MASS!!!!!! Thank you soooooo much for writing the best books ever!

  46. Cece on April 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm

    First of all, this is some of the best info I’ve ever heard. The Candymakers is my favorite book! (I can’t say by far because A Mango-Shaped Space exists)
    I am crazy picky when it comes to awesome books being made into movies, so I’ll list some of the stuff that annoys me the most.
    -Loosing/adding characters
    -Loosing/adding scenes
    -Things not going almost exactly as they did in the book
    -Costumes not fitting the nook description
    -Characters not fitting the books description(yes, I am referring to Logan)
    -Props not fitting the books description
    -In other words, everything has to be exactly like it was in the book. No exceptions!
    I am very OCD when it comes to movies from books. I will be watching Jeremy fink tonight. Let’s see that that goes…..
    P.S. I am really interested in how this movie will be made. Between the special effects and each characters’ point over view fitting onto the movie, it sounds like an interesting process!

  47. chef22 on April 21, 2013 at 9:33 am

    I would really like to see all the rooms in the candy factory, and also the field and the mallow swamp and the secret tunnels! It would be so cool is if they could do the flashbacks, the 4-point view. Yay! So glad one of my favourite books is getting turned into a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Anna on April 21, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    Include the part about Miles hugging Daisy! It’s hilarious and touching.
    Wow, there’s going to be a sequel to the Candymakers and Every Soul a Star?! Keep us updated on that.
    I’ve never read the Pi series….I’ll have to look it up. 😀

  49. Juliette on April 21, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    OH. MY. GOSH. They’re coming out with a candymakers movie? THEY’RE COMING OUT WITH A CANDYMAKERS MOVIE!!!!!!!! 🙂 😀 (I’m excited if you can’t already tell)
    For me, in the movie i would want the candy to really be like the candy in the book and the building that they make the candy in to feel as huge, wonderful, and amazing as it does in the book. But not like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It should feel more official (less silly) then the factory in that book&movie.
    Wendy, this is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!

  50. Noelle on April 22, 2013 at 7:46 am

    I would like to see the tropical room! Also do you have a fan mail address or an email?

  51. Fiona on April 22, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    Hi Wendy Mass!
    I am so happy that THE CANDYMAKERS is going to be a movie!!!! It is my favorite book (other than 13 GIFTS and A MANGO SHAPED SPACE). I spent eleven hours be day reading it. I really think that when Miles is saying what happened that day with “Daisy” and he didn’t know it was Daisy the scene should transform into that day. Same with the day Logan gt his scars. I also think you should try to get the four point of views. I also like it when they meet each the for the first time. I wish you could put every part of the book into the movie. Also I really hope that you can make a sequel to Every Soul a Star. I can’t wait for the sequel for the Willow Falls series. What are you going to call it. I can’t wait to figure about what happens with Grace!
    – Fiona 🙂

  52. Fiona on April 22, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    P.S. Please don’t pick any famous actors to play any roles. It just wouldn’t make it real. Even though it is not a true story, when I read it, it seems like I is real. Please don’t change that!

    • Mare on May 9, 2013 at 4:28 pm

      Yeah, I totally agree with this comment. Famous actors would just make it seem completely fake.

  53. Hallie on April 23, 2013 at 6:05 pm

    Daisy’s spy equiptment and lots of candy! (:
    I have read all of your books and love them! I’m so excited for a movie!!!!!!! (:

  54. Lauren on April 25, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    Congrats!!! :)I think the factory is major detail that needs to be just as grand as you described it to be. Like the tropical room and all of the others.

  55. candy queen on April 25, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    Hi wendy i cant beleive its coming out in theaters anyway id definatly want to see miles on the boat and daisy just walking in the water. Also phils notebook id like to see what he writes in it

  56. Mya on April 25, 2013 at 8:30 pm

    Omigod. You are my favourite author ever! I wasn’t sure when my little sister told me to read “11 Birthdays” but once I started, I couldn’t put it down. And I got “The Candymakers” yesterday and I can’t wait to read it. It sounds amazing. If your books turned into movies, my sister Alaina and I would flip. She was the one that got me to read “11 Birthdays” and I am so grateful to her for that. We would watch the movies over and over and over. 🙂 Sorry I talk a lot ;D

  57. melissa on April 26, 2013 at 12:19 am

    Hi Wendy! I just have to say I love your books and I’m so excited for your successes! You really deserve them! My favorite books of yours are the Willow Falls series. I can’t wait until The Last Present comes out! I was wondering, are you actually finished with writing the book? I’ve always been curious about how long after the book is written that the author publishes it. Anyway, thank you so much for just being an amazing author and person!

    NOTE FROM WENDY: It takes about a year from the time you first hand in the book until the time it gets published. Sometimes less if you miss your deadline. Not that i’d ever do that. ;o)

  58. Carly on April 26, 2013 at 11:42 pm

    What I would love to see is a focus on the different types of candy and make sure to concentrate on Logan’s uniqueness!! I think he is such an interesting character!! Being able to pick apart different ingredients in a dessert?? Awesome!!!

  59. Marita on April 27, 2013 at 6:28 am

    I was just re-reading Finally today, and I noticed something which i think might be a mistake. In 11 Birthdays it says that David is a year older than Amanda, but then in Finally it says that he’s in Rory’s math class and Rory and Amanda are the same age. Please reply, it would mean so much to me!

    NOTE FROM WENDY: I’m so sorry, i thought i put a line somewhere in 13 Gifts to explain that he was in an advanced science class so Amanda figured he was in 6th grade. I mentioned it again in THE LAST PRESENT so hopefully that will make sense. :o)

    • Maddy on April 29, 2013 at 3:13 pm

      yeah that confused me a bit too. I noticed it in 11 Birthdays, but not Finally. Your probably right though, it probably was just a mistake. 🙂

    • Mya on April 30, 2013 at 7:32 pm

      That was weird for me as well. As Maddy said, Wendy probably made a mistake. It says theyre the same age in 13 Gifts too

  60. Emma on April 27, 2013 at 12:44 pm

    I love Candymakers! I’m sooo excited for the movie! What i’d like in the movie, is all the different charecter’s views, like in the books. I think they could finish one person’s view, then they could have a scene saying, “Phyllip” or “Daisy” or whoever it is. I also want to see Daisy’s “book”! I’m really wondering how the movie will look now! Also, I suggest that Daisy should be kinda short, but quick, sneaky, and curious, like a cat. This would be so cool!

  61. cam on April 27, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    I would want to see that to. 😀

    • cam on April 27, 2013 at 1:35 pm

      FYI that was a reply for

  62. Reagan on April 27, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Candymakers is my favorite book. My friend and I have been waiting for this for a loooonnnnggg time. I think that they should really put a lot of detail into the violin that Phillip finds. When is the movie going to come out? Daisy’s book also has to be in the movie. I agree with cam. they should show Logan getting his scars. Also, the rowboat scene in the end means a lot. Mrs. Mass, could you please write me back something, it would mean a lot to me. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :):):):):):):):):):):):);)

  63. Nora on April 28, 2013 at 1:03 am

    Holly is right I think it should try and be from the different views.

    One way that could happen is every now and then it could one person talking like a close up or just thier voice (and maybe their name one the screen)

    I would really like miles to sorta drop hints about the “drowning” and I would like Phillip to do the marshmallow hunting scean.

    Also the accident could be sorta shown at the very front
    Just the same as in the book

    Alot of days please

    Also the judging part would b good for the movie

    At first it could be like. “We first met because of a candy making compation ….” Or “daisy ______, Phillip _____, miles _______ and Logan_______ you are the four chosen ones…….” (I forget their last names)

    I love love love love love the Candymakers and can’t wait to see the movie

  64. Carolyn on April 28, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    I really happy that it’s being made into a movie!!!!!! I agree that they should have a flashback when Henry is telling Phillip about Logan`s scars and they should add where Phillip plays the violin /Stradivarius. They should definitely have the part where Phillip gets the letter and the truck. It would be nice if they do that thing where it seems like Logan`s voice is actually telling the letter. Also, you should really make a Candymakers 2.

  65. Jane on April 28, 2013 at 9:28 pm

    Hey Wendy!
    I love the book The Candy Makers, it is amazing! I think some important scenes that should be in the movie are when Daisy has the dream about being a spy, it was a great way to start off Daisy’s chapter. Also when Logan notices the life jacket in Miles backpack, it gives readers (or watchers in this case ) something else to wonder about that makes you keep watching or reading. Finally, I suggest that you don’t use anyone famous in the movie or it would ruin a lot of peoples images of the characters, and people wouldn’t want to watch it as much as they would with characters that look like there image. It would be good to follow the character traits (an outfits!) that were in the book to get a good image. This comments may be small, but I think they would make a big impact on the movie. I can’t wait!!!!

  66. Jane on April 28, 2013 at 9:32 pm

    By the way congrats! I love A Mango shaped space! I want to be an author, and I realize how hard it must of been to get this far, you should be really proud! All your books are amazing and you are by far the best author ever!!!!!! Keep writing!

  67. Alli on April 29, 2013 at 11:00 am

    ear Wendy,
    I love all of your books! I am sitting here in 4th period right after you came to talk to my school today. I think that everything you said was very interesting! Just the story of how you became an author had my attention! I love all of your books and I might an author some day! I really like all of your books! Some of my favorites were 11 Birthdays, Finally, 13 Girfts, The Candy makers, Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life, and Every Soul A Star. So really all of your books I read :)! Im really looking forward to reading The Last Gift and PI In The Sky! I also want to read Heaven Looks Alot Like The Mall. i just want to thank you for writing AMAZING books and I cant wait to read anything else you have to come! Also for the Candy Makers movie some parts that they could include in the movie that stood out to me was when all kids meet up and all of them are hiding their secrets but no one knows yet! Also when they find out who won the candy making contest! Thank you for speaking to my school and please respond!
    From, Allison

  68. Anna on April 30, 2013 at 7:16 am

    The scene that would look best onscreen would have to be the High-Jumping Jellybeans! That would be hard, but if the people who made the Harry Potter movies made people fly on broomsticks, I bet people could make it look like kids bounce jellybeans off the floor and into their mouth 😉

  69. kenzieluvsbooks on May 1, 2013 at 11:36 am

    I haven’t read all of “The Candymakers” yet but so far it’s awesome!! I’m also so so excited for “The Last Present”. I love the Willow Falls series and I wish they would become movies too. Anyways love your books and can’t wait to continue to read more of them! 🙂

  70. Em on May 1, 2013 at 4:04 pm

    Wendy, I’m sure you get a billion comments on your blog, and you probably won’t have time 2 read this; but PLLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE take this as a consideration!!!

    Every Soul A Star is my 2nd favorite book yours. Next to “A Mango Shaped Space” of course -needed a box of kleenexs at the end. 😀 And, I am BEGGING you (imagine me on my knees here) PLEASE MAKE A SEQUAL TO EVERY SOUL A STAR!!!!!!!! It would make my YEAR!!

    Also, might I suggest a follow up with A Mango Shaped Space, or Leap Day??????


    NOTE FROM WENDY: You’re very funny! I really am thinking about it, I just need to think of a plotline. Kinda important. I’ll figure it out this summer though. Will let ya know!! xo

    • skylie on May 7, 2013 at 6:01 pm

      I am sorry to say this Mrs. Mass but when I read Leap Day I personal was disturb by the raunchiness coming from you, one of the all time best book writer. I loved all other books u wrote that I have read. I love The Candy Makers and the Willow Falls series, except for that leg shaving scene, I am sorry to post this on ur blog

  71. Erica on May 1, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    I really want to see the daily notes that Logan gets as well as all of the other stuff that’s already been mentioned. So excited for Last Present! 🙂

  72. Kimmie on May 2, 2013 at 3:54 pm

    Congratulations!!!! A Mango-Shaped Space is one of my favorite books EVER!!! 🙂 I’m so glad you finally got it published, even after 49 (!!!) rejections.
    A movie about The Candymakers would be soooo cool!!! I’d like to see how they make the candy, and I definitely want to see what Mr. Sweet looks like!! (I hope he’s fat!!) 🙂 I would also like to see how the candy is made, and what the other candies look like in the final contest.
    I would love to see the movie!! How long do you think it would take for the movie to be released?? (Please don’t say more than a year or two!!)
    I can’t wait for The Last Present!!!!!!!!!!! I want to know what that chalkboard thing was all about and I want to see Tara from the others’ point of view!! 🙂
    Thanks, Kimmie

    • skylie on May 7, 2013 at 5:55 pm

      I personally thought Mr. Sweet would be a tall ,normal weight, man that his face wouldn’t be shown

      • skylie on October 12, 2013 at 4:26 pm

        Or the more i think about it, it would also make sense for him to be like a Santa Clause type man.
        Either way works for me! I can’t wait!

  73. Isabel on May 2, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    Hi! I’m a student from a school you had visited and it turns out that you signed the contract for the movie for candy alerts the day right after you visited so I was wondering if maybe our school can be somehow involved in the movie 🙂 fingers crossed

  74. Karl on May 3, 2013 at 11:58 am

    Just finished reading “The Candymakers” with my kids & we really loved it! I can’t imagine a movie will do it justice, but it will be fun to watch nonetheless. As others have mentioned the vehicle of four perspectives will be tricky to accomplish in movie form, but that is one of the best parts of the book, so I hop they can accomplish that. Also the inner turmoils that Miles & Phillip struggle with are important too. Excited to see how it comes out. Thank you for writing a great kid-friendly book that is equally as entertaining to their 42 year old dad.

  75. Jane on May 3, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Hey Wendy!
    Do you still put “a note from Wendy”? Because I really want to hear speacifically what you think of theese ideas. Bye!!

  76. Camille on May 3, 2013 at 10:00 pm

    I love the Part with Daisy being a spy!

  77. Sarah on May 4, 2013 at 11:59 pm

    So, when I read the book, I always envision the characters. So, I’ll start with Logan. Logan: Average height, thin/normal, blondish brown hair, gray eyes. And, of course, his scars (but please, don’t make them too sad!). Miles: Blond hair, blue eyes, a little chubby, and short. TBC….

  78. Grace on May 5, 2013 at 8:55 am

    Oh my goodness I can’t wait! Candymakers is one of the best books ever! It’s so much fun to read! I’m so excited that its being turned into a movie. I guess something I really want to see in it is that it stays really true to the book. The movie Jeremy Fink was good but on my opinion they changed a fair amout from the book. I know that they have to do that sometimes to make it a movie but it would be really awesome if they kept this one really true to the book. 🙂 either way I can’t WAIT for the movie. My favorite books by you are all the Willow Falls books and Every Soul a Star and The Candymakers. What has been the most fun book (or books) for you to write? Once they’re written do you read your books very often? I know I’m talking a lot but you’re like one of my favorite authors! One more question, being an author do you get to meet other authors? (Ok maybe it is two more) if so, have you ever met Margret Peterson Hadix? I can’t wait for the movie! Thanks for reading Ms. Wendy! 🙂

    • Grace on May 5, 2013 at 10:39 pm

      It’s me again! Ok, so you know how I asked earlier about the authors and if you got to meet them? Well, I just answered that question for myself! I was exploring your website a little bit more (I’ve been on before but you’ve added some new sections. Super cool by the way!) and found your author pals area. That answered it for me! Super cool! 🙂 once again thanks for reading!

  79. Sarah on May 5, 2013 at 4:42 pm

    Hi Wendy! I hope you write more from the 11 birthdays, finally, and 13 gifts series! I have read them all, and I want to know what happens to Grace. Or when they all become couples. I’ll be waiting for the next one! 😉

  80. Marita on May 6, 2013 at 3:15 am

    I haven’t actually read Every Soul a Star, but considering the large amount of comments begging you for a sequel, I may have to take a trip down to Dymocks! 🙂

    • cam on June 23, 2013 at 2:55 pm


  81. Chocoqueen on May 6, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    I think one thing that would make the movie great is if you included a part about the characters taking a tour through the factory and include each room: Fran at the taffy room, Henry at the marshmallow room: you get what I mean.

  82. Henry on May 6, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    I have read your books thoroughly with joy and absolutely love The Candymakers. You are such an inspiring author and I can’t wait to see a Candymakers movie. It will be the best movie ever. I have some suggestions for the movie. Please be sure to include Daisy’s house because it is so cool when you find out that she is a spy! I would love to see the tropical gum room! So many parts but I think you should include most of the scenes with a really big imagination. Please write back!!!

  83. Tasnuva on May 6, 2013 at 5:35 pm

    Hi wendy!
    I was wondering, in the birthday series, are you going to make another book? 14 something?
    wht about 14 bloopers! Looking foward to the 14 ______!!!


  84. Chocoqueen on May 6, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    I’ve read every book you’ve written so far and I think one thing that would make the movie great is if it showed the scene where the characters go on a tour of the whole factory and the movie should also show Fran and the taffy room!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  85. FutureBallerina on May 6, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    Heyyyyyyy Wendy…..
    Please can we have a sequel to Every Soul a Star? Your probably tired of all the begging but we love you and your writing so what’s a loved author to do? Will be watching your blog for updates about sequels!!! Lol 😉 Keep writing!!!!

  86. skylie on May 7, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    Hello hello Mrs. Wendy Mass,
    I love u story for the Candy makers, but for the movie the opening scene could be The Candy Maker looking through his workers resumés and the contestants that are visiting his factory. I am not sure if anyone out there gets were I am going with that but there would be the Candy Maker reading there papers out loud so u can get each characters back-round. I just think that if that is done well it would make a great statement and set the tone for the wonderfully story. As for keeping things in I would love flash backs and the one with the chocolate fountain I think that it would be set great if it was in black and white all expect the red fire truck, it would add some much dramatic affect and I think it work cause it is a flash back and in a flash back there are selective memories. I love all of Daisy’s gadgets so I would like that in there, plus the sleepover but hey why wouldn’t that be in there, and also I like the idea of the chapters like in Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.

    Thanks a bunch and I hope you read this,

    • skylie on May 8, 2013 at 12:09 pm

      But in this case it could be like their diaries or journals with their names on it u know so u know whose side of the story ur in

    • Maddy on May 8, 2013 at 3:35 pm

      I like that idea for the beggining of the movie, and i really like the red firetruck being the only colour too 🙂 🙂 🙂

  87. Sareli on May 9, 2013 at 7:53 am

    I HAVE read the candy makers and its an awesome book!!!!!!

  88. Brailey on May 9, 2013 at 5:14 pm

    I am SOOOO excited for Candymakers to become a movie! It’s going to be amazing and I can’t wait! I think two small things that you should definitely include should be Philip’s conversation with Henry (when they go to pick the plants) and how he tells him he was never banned. I think the movie should also include how Miles tells Logan that even though he can’t do what a lot of other people can, he can do something a lot of other people can’t. (You know when he lists the ingredients in the candy but then he says he can’t add and stuff?) These two things mean a lot to me, small as they may be. I also think a cool thing to do for the movie would be to not show Logan’s scars until it’s form the other people’s point of view (If they decide to do it that way) I don’t know if that would work or not but I think it would be cool because it kinda shows that he doesn’t let his scars define who he is. It would reflect the book really well, in my opinion. Anyway, can’t WAIT for The Last Present!!! Pi in the Sky too! Super excited! Thanks Wendy! You rock!
    -Brailey 😀

    • Skylie on February 13, 2014 at 3:15 pm

      So true about the scars, that could be featured when he gets really in the beginning when he gets ready for the day or if he looks in water (when they canoeing or in the marsh).


  89. Brailey on May 9, 2013 at 5:17 pm

    Also PLEASE do a sequel to Every Soul a Star and The Candymakers both!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    • cam on May 10, 2013 at 6:21 pm


      • Zoila on May 11, 2013 at 2:28 pm

        Me too!

  90. Melissa on May 10, 2013 at 4:22 pm

    I can’t believe that the candymakers is going to be a movie! I want to see the part where Logan and Philip are little and Logan puts his hands in the hot chocolate causing the scars. I want to see that part. I’m so excited to read Pi in the sky and The last Present. I’ve read most of your books and I’ve loved all of them. My favorite book in the Willow fall series is Finally. Rory is my favorite character in the whole series and I relate to her in a LOT of ways. I’m wondering about one thing though. Did you put an epilogue in the The Last Present? I’m hoping you did because I want to see how everyone’s future is. I know you get lot of comments but can you please read this and reply? It would mean a lot to me.

  91. Hally on May 11, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    I think that they should try and make the characters look as similar to their book versions as possible. I don’t think they should look 15 when they’re supposed to be 12 and 13. I also think that they should try to make sure the factory looks the same, because I have an odd feeling it may end up looking similar to Willy Wonka’s and that can’t happen. Super excited for this too!!! ! LOVED the book just like every book you write and I’ve read them all!!!

  92. Zoila on May 11, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    I love every single one of your books because when I’m finished I can tell that there is a lesson in everyone of them. Like in 11 Birthdays I’m guessing the lesson was to still be friends no matter what and that every best friends have their own little fights now and then. Plus, I think that’s what I love most about your books, theirs always something you can get out of it if you know how to interpret it correctly. Thanks Wendy Mass. I really do love your books.

  93. Zoila on May 11, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    Wendy Mass, I think the thing I love most about your books is that there is always a lesson to be learned once you finish it. I mean if you know how to interpret the book correctly you’ll see there’s something there to learn. You are really one inspirational writer, and like your book Finally, I want to say that you do see a situation differently instead of just looking because your the one who made those books that I know will capture a reader in it’s net.

  94. emily on May 13, 2013 at 4:16 pm


  95. Elizabeth on May 15, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    There should really be the kids making their candy and all of daisy’s spy gear also have the different rooms in the factory

  96. angelbunny1109 on May 15, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    i think it would be cool to have some of the candy on the tables like i scream. Also add all the gadgets that daisy has and the procedure of turning “daisy” into “daisy” with the hair dye and clothes and everything. I think everything should be very close to the book, a little tweaks and such but not too much. I love your books! Oh, could you also make a book about turning 14? Thanks so much!;)

  97. Kait on May 16, 2013 at 9:03 pm

    It would be great to have logan have his scars because one of the things I wondered about the most was how he looked like. I also really would like to have the scene where a butterfly lands on philips nose and when the scene where miles sees daisy *drown*


  98. Kait on May 16, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    Cant wait for the movie
    Or pi in the sky
    or the last present

    I wish you did author visits in Canada…………….
    you’re my favourite author

    ps i did NANOWRIMO in the fall (that’s National Novel Writing Month) and I wrote my first novel!
    i hope you write in the guest post section next year

  99. Sarah K on May 18, 2013 at 12:49 am

    And don’t forget A Mango Shaped Space! I NEED to know what happened to Mia!

  100. Sarah K on May 18, 2013 at 1:04 am

    What Characters Should Look Like: Logan: Shaggy shortish hair, blue/gray eyes, medium complexion, scars (duh), and tall. Miles: Short, mildly chubby, light brown short hair, light complexion; brown eyes. Daisy: Blond hair, blue eyes, light complexion, tall. Philip: Gelled black hair, light brown eyes, normal weight, average/tan skin, tall. Max: Dormanish uniform, dark skin, brown eyes, bald, middle age, has a small belly, tall. Mr. Sweet: Mustache, bald, round face, light complexion, short/average. Phillip’s father: Older version of his son. Daisy’s grandmother: Blond hair in bob, tan, in late sixties. Tell me what you think so far, Wendy!

  101. funke on May 18, 2013 at 7:07 am

    i think i would love to see a lot of things from the candymakers but most importantly:
    1.daisy’s spy gear
    2. logan’s scars
    3.the stradivarious
    4. all of the settings
    and it would be funny if the fall that daisy has because of the bee happens in slow motion because it happened so fast

    wendy you’re my best author so please keep writing books so i won’t be bored. can’t wait for the last present to come out. xxxxx

  102. Elise on May 18, 2013 at 9:25 am

    Hi Wendy Mass!!
    I remember reading A MANGO SHAPED SPACE and I’m reading it over and over and over and over again and again! It was the first book i ever read of yours! I can’t wait to read PI IN THE SKY and the fourth book in the Willow Falls series: THE LAST PRESENT. You are one of my most favorite authors and i will keep reading your books over and over again!

  103. Meg on May 18, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    Oh my god i love you soo much! your book A mango Shaped Space is probably my favorite book of all time! i have looked for and read so many of your books and i cant wait to find more! i think that you were one of the authors that really helped me set my mind to becoming an author too.i think that ypou really express your emotions in your writing and that is my goal when i write. you are one of my top role models and just know that i am your number one fan!

  104. Delia on May 18, 2013 at 6:20 pm

    Hi, my biggest dream in the whole world is to be a actress. I was just wondering if there is a Candymakers MOVIE, when would it be and where. If you could answer me that would the world to me. Thank YOU.
    I love your books and you

  105. Maddie on May 18, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    Hi, I’ve already read The Candymakers. I’m actually one of your biggest fans! Right now I am honestly FREAKING OUT about what you said, how you might make a sequel and are making a movie. What MUST be in the movie, in my vision; should be at least some action from parts three, four and five. I’d tell you specifically what I want from each part, but I don’t want to spoil the story! (winks to those who have not read the book.) I have quite mad writing skills (don’t mean to brag), plus my humongous vocabulary and spelling skills. You are definitely my roll model. All your books encourage me to write better. Thank you for the ability to share my thoughts with you. I know how busy you are, so no reply is necessary. Thanks again!
    -PS Can’t wait for The Last Present! 🙂

  106. hannah howard on May 24, 2013 at 11:21 am

    I’m so xited 4 candymakers to come out as a movie! Wendy mass is officially my fave author. I also can not wait for the last present i loved the willow falls series so much and i am sad to see it end. i also hope for more of the twice upon a time books. please reply wendy mass1 XOXO

  107. Angela on May 24, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my cousin are SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We think that you should add in a couple things :

    1. Miles flashback about “the girl” and whens he finds out she’s Daisy.

    2. Philips violin

    CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  108. Audrey on May 25, 2013 at 3:09 pm

    So excited for the movie! I absolutely loved the house that daisy lived in and just all the spy stuff. I cannot tell you how excited I am for the last present! The willow falls series have been my favorite books for forever! I have told all my friends about the series and they’ve finally started reading it too. Also I’m really excited for the possibility of a sequel for every soul a star! I’ve read that book more times than I can count!

  109. Elizabeth Bradley on May 25, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    OMG!!! I can’t wait for a candy makers movie! You have to show the movie from each kids perspective. Just like in the book. That was one of my favorite things about the book. And btw… There has to be really good spy scenes for a certain character… I just finished reading Mango… And is it weird that I see the year like Mia does…. Ie on a Ferris wheel, but it goes clockwise for me. I don’t see colors though. I really love all ur books!

  110. Kyra on May 27, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    Sadly, I haven’t read the book yet. It’s on my shelf for the longest time, so I think I should probably read it now. I read a lot of it, then put it down cause I was really busy. WHEN I read though, I will let you know…
    Sorry everyone!

  111. Mila on May 27, 2013 at 10:34 pm

    One of my most favorite lines in the book when Logan asks Miles why he likes to read so much and his response was “You never know what you’ll learn when you open one. If tis a story, you sort of fall into it. Then you live there for a while.” These lines MUST be included in the movie!!! Other fav lines: Some people have scars on the inside, and other people’s are on the outside. It shouldn’t matter. If nothing every changed, there’d be no butterflies. Candy Makers is one of my all tie favorite books and have shared it many times with students that I teach! 🙂

  112. hannah on May 30, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    Omg i’m sooooo excited for the candymakers movie. I also am super happy for the last present to come out i read all the others and it will be a bitter-sweet ending. I’m also wondering if there will be any new twice upon a time books coming out anytime soon. Pleas respond wendy mass.

  113. Reagan L. on June 1, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    I love your books! The Candymakers is probably my favorite book, though. I like that The Candymakers is so detailed. For the movie, please make the Life Is Sweet candy factory very big. Also please include the tour that they took, with almost all of the rooms. Max should be in the movie. I agree that the movie should have all of the flashbacks. One of my siblings thinks that in the movie they should have the part where Henry and Philip pick mallow roots together. I think that the movie should have that too. 🙂 love,
    Reagan L.

  114. Chloe on June 1, 2013 at 10:25 pm

    Hi! I have just got to say I am SO excited for The Last Present to come out! I am in LOVE with the Willow Falls Series and I have to say I relate to Rory. She’s my favorite. Right now I’m on page 75 of A Mango Shaped Space and find Synthestia (i probably spelled that wrong) very interesting! I’m determined to read ALL your books this summer so keep writing more for next year ;-)! Which book of yours do you think I should read next? I used to not be the biggest fan of reading but my friend influenced me to read one of your books and I fell in love with your writing. Do you recommend any other authors that are like your style of writing? Thanks! -Chloe 🙂

  115. Amy on June 2, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    Miss Mass,

    So excited to hear about The Last Present. Can’t wait.

    Also, I’m a librarian with my own blog about the books I’m reading this year. You were the subject of this week’s post, in case you are interested.

    Love your work!

  116. Sarah on June 4, 2013 at 9:07 pm

    Wendy, I sure hope you make a sequel to The Candy Makers and Every Soul A Star. I am about to read Every Soul A Star. I already read The Candy Makers it was SOOO GOOOD I finished it in a day or two. ( Most of your books I finished them in less them 4 days.i can’t wait till The last Present is out. The Willow Falls series are really good! And you ended 13 Gifts so good! I love reading, and most of ally your books:). I also love writing.I would love to meet you! I would write more but I don’t have enough time to write!
    -Thanks For your Time, Sarah

  117. Sarah on June 4, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    I think they would have to put each person’s feelings in The Candy Makers. Also they sometimes add weird parts into movies when there not suppose to. I have to many ideas because I liked the book too much.I just hope they can put all the great details.

  118. Azure on June 7, 2013 at 3:15 pm

    Eeeep! I better read the CANDYMAKERS then. I’ve got it but not read it. 😛 Happy belated birthday Mango Shaped Space.

  119. bella on June 11, 2013 at 4:11 pm

    it would be so cool if the candy was showed the way it was described in the book. In the movie they should put the part where they are making taffy. It is really cool to see all their reactions to how hard it is to actually make taffy! They shouldn’t make the movie too much like willy wonka and the chocolate factory because then it wont be as unique. i loved reading the book, but the movie is never as good as the book!

  120. Michelle on June 13, 2013 at 3:31 pm

    I would love the part wen miles stays at the factory and maybe a flashback of the part where daisy is at the lake! Thanks so much!! <3 Michelle

  121. Theresa on July 7, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    Hi Ms. Mass!
    I just finished the Candymakers, and I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so amazing! I am so exited it is going to be a movie! I really hope that the characters meet their description, and they follow their own indevidual stories!

  122. Colette on July 7, 2013 at 2:03 pm

    Hi Wendy Mass! I am definitely your #1 fan. I have read all your books and I own a good amount of them. I loved the book The Candymakers. The most important things that I thought should be put in the movie are Daisy’s spy gear, the Tropical room, the secret ingredient, the violin, the Cocoa room, and the chocolate fountain. When would the movie be made? Where? And would it be possible to try out to be one of the characters? (If it was being filmed near me) I had the lead role in the school play and I am a straight A student. I would love to play the part of Daisy!!!!!! Also, can you post the first chapter of the Last Present before it comes out or give us a summery of what it would be about? Thanks!!!
    P.S I really liked Pi in the Sky.

  123. Daphne on July 8, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    Dear Wendy, I am so happy that the candymakers is being made into a movie !
    You are my role model and inspiration. The candymakers is my absolute favorite book ever,
    And I hope to become an author just like you someday.
    One thing I really hope is in the movie is how latter on in the book you feel bad for Logan.
    Another thing that would be cool to have in the movie is how daisy hates Philip.
    There relationship really stuck in my brain.
    The bee room is were miles got his inspiration for his candy,
    So that should probably be in the movie.
    I’m sorry this is so long, but one last thing.
    I love to act and am curios to know were try outs will be taking place.
    I am a huge fan and it would mean so much to me if you wrote back.
    Thank you so much for being the wonderful person you are, and have an amazing summer
    Go candymakers!!!!!!! :o)

  124. Chloe on July 9, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    Hi Wendy! I am just starting to read Candymakers and it is so good! I have read the whole Willow Falls Series and I’m super excited for the Last Present! I just finished A Mango-Shaped Space yesterday and I cried when Mango died! I had a kitten and he was orange with mango colored eyes, he wheezed and he also had kidney failures! We had to give him special medicine just like how Mia gave Mango vitamins and pills too. I was 5 at the time so it wasn’t my job to always feed him his pills but my mom gave him them. My kitty was named Chester or Cheeto for short and he died when he was only 3. This book was such an emotional and inspirational book for me! It brought back the many memories I had with my little Cheeto Bandito! I now have two cats named Sophie and Oliver and they are absolutely amazing, funny, and cute cats! Do you think you could sometime write a sequel for A Mango-Shaped Space or another book with pets and owners in it? I know it takes a LONG time to write a book but just to see if sometime in the future you could write something along those lines! Thanks for writing your many inspiring, funny, and extraordinary books and continue to write more! Thanks!
    Have a Great Summer,
    Chloe S.

  125. Meg on July 9, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    This is so exciting!!! Please make sure that the flashback with miles when the girl walks into the lake is just as awesome and heartwarming as it was in the book 🙂

  126. Daphne on July 9, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    Another thing I think is important is how daisy feels connected to the cocolate in the lab.
    I loved how when daisy, Philup, Logan and Miles find out what the secret ingredient they lagh really hard

  127. Daphne on July 9, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    W onderful
    E ncanting
    D iferent
    Y outhful writing

    M agnifisent
    A uthor
    S plended
    S telth writing skills
    (sorry some of this dosent make sence, but I wanted to tell you how much I love everything you do)

    • Tasnuva on July 14, 2013 at 5:25 pm

      I think this is really cute!!! 😉

      • Daphne on July 15, 2013 at 10:12 am

        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :):) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  128. Amanda on July 10, 2013 at 11:30 am

    Omg i loveee the candymakers it’s my fav book!!!!!!!! I’m in the middle of reading it for the the 5th time!! I think you would deffienlty put it like the book with the 4 characters narrating!! I lovee daisys part so deffienlty add daisys high tech gear and I think Aj should be in it to!

    • Daphne on July 15, 2013 at 10:08 am

      I agree about the AJ part, he definitely should be in the movie

  129. Lilly on July 24, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    Dear Wendy,
    Ok, so I just want to say that I posted a comment in the Pi in the Sky Review saying maybe some of this stuff so you should read that one to if you want to. I just wanted to say that you are my inspiration. I started writing a book about a year ago. It is 57 or 60 pages. At one point I didn’t want to move on with it because it was just too much work. But then I found out about you and you inspired me to keep going. I just want to Thank you so much for everything.
    Your biggest fan,

  130. Lilly on July 24, 2013 at 3:54 pm

    Dear Wendy,
    I have a request!! I think that you should have all of the kids narrating the movie like the story too so it is like their part of the story. I also think that you should include the part about Logan and Phillip having their conflict about when they were kids and the truck fell in the fountain. I think you should include Logan’s scars with that too. Also one more thing I think you should include Daisy’s yellow sundress because you described it so well and yellow!!! (:

  131. Caitlin on July 26, 2013 at 11:56 am

    What I really want to see in the movie is that you show all 4 points of view and also Wendy I would suggest that you use the book as the script I know this might sound funny but if you use the book as the script then you can look back and really get a feel for the characters that you wrote about and say the exact words as the characters in the book and also all the characters that in the book should have a roll in the movie

    • Wendy Mass on July 28, 2013 at 11:02 am

      Hi Caitlin! Just got the first draft of the script to go over, and I can’t wait to read it! I think with a book and movie that things have to be at least a little different since it’s a different medium and you can do things on screen that you can’t on the page. I’m sure you’ll be happy though! :o)
      Have a great day!!

  132. Kate on August 24, 2013 at 8:47 am

    Hi, I’m a huge fan and I can’t wait for this movie to come out, what I would want to make sure is enviro erased is his face, I think it’s a key element to element to the book. Thank you for your consideration, and please never stop writing!

  133. Baldwin Middle School on September 4, 2013 at 10:41 am

    Good Morning Wendy,
    55 Baldwin Middle School students (5th and 6th grade) chose to read The Candymakers for their summer reading. This ambitious group met this morning to discuss the book and to contribute to your Candymakers movie assignment. We have complied a list of “must-haves” for a movie version of this wonderful book.
    * The students felt it was important to maintain the different perspectives

    They felt it was important to include the following scenes:
    [note from wendy: i had to take out this part b/c it gave a lot of the story away, but trust me, they were excellent suggestions!!)

    The students also enjoyed debating actors and actresses that they felt fit the roles. Here are a few of their ideas.

    Zendaya or Emma Watson as Daisy
    Josh Hutcherson as Logan

    Adam Sandler as Henry

    The 5th and 6th grade students at Baldiwn Middle school enthusiastically participated in a group discussion about The Candymakers. They unanimously agreed that they would watch a movie version of the book and hope that their contributions would assist in making it as good as the book.

    Thank you for taking the time to read our thoughts and ideas.

    Baldwin Middle School

    • Wendy Mass on September 11, 2013 at 11:32 am

      Hi Baldwin MS readers!! Thank you so much for the awesome tips!!! Looks like you guys had fun with the book–what more could i ask for than that? I’m honored you chose it for your summer reading and i hope it helped fill all those long days while you waited for school to start back up. 😉
      (hee hee couldn’t resist!)
      Have a wonderful school year!
      Yours in candy,

  134. Pallas Chou on September 10, 2013 at 9:23 pm

    I don’t know if it’s too late to respond now, but too me, the different point of views on the same parts makes it the best part. I also like the fact that Daisy’s a spy. Oh, one of my favorite parts is when Daisy uses her horse’s name as her “friend”. I also think it was quite amusing when Philip caught Daisy talking to the book.
    P.S. Will the movie be “shooted” in California.

  135. Corinne on September 15, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    I loved reading The Candymakers!!!! I couldnt put it down. I am so excited for the movie and really want to know who will be playing who and if they looko like how i pictured everything. I think one important thing is that the candy factory is just like you explained in the book!!

  136. Lora on September 15, 2013 at 8:20 pm

    I’m gonna start Mango soon! I love your books. 11 Birthdays is my absolute favoritest book in the world!!!! Lol! can’t wait for The Last Present!!!!!! Pi in the Sky looks good! (im gonna read soon too!)

  137. Lora on September 15, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    I have some actors that might be OK for some of the characters!
    Sierra McCormick- Daisy
    Cameron Boyce- Logan
    Karan Brar- Miles
    i can’t think up one for phillip:(

  138. Sophia Dreyfuss on September 19, 2013 at 2:46 am

    Hi, Wendy!

    I just thought I’d let you know, I LOVE THE CANDYMAKERS. It’s been one of my favourite books for the longest time, and I absolutely cannot wait for the movie. What I really want to see in the movie is Daisy’s spy mansion, and gear, as well as the huge factory with all the rooms for the different candies.
    I was also just wondering when auditions might be open! I’m a 14-year old aspiring actress and it would be my dream come true to play Daisy.
    I love you, Wendy!

  139. hannah on September 21, 2013 at 10:36 am

    Sooooooo excited for the last present i will probably have to read 13 gifts again to rejog my memory. Any idea when the candymakers movie will come out? If so please respond. Xoxo

  140. jenny on September 23, 2013 at 6:04 pm

    i really want the end of the contest, like what happens at the end. and i want everything about phillip and daisy. theyre too cute together.

  141. Deyi on October 2, 2013 at 7:52 pm

    One important part you HAVE to include (and put a lot of detail in) is that at the end, they have met before. And I have an idea about the characters. DAISY should have a Russian accent like Anna Chapman, a popular spy. She should also have poker face most the time so you can always remember she’s a spy, so pick an actor that won’t laugh too much! MILES should be someone who has a lot of facial expressions that are exaggerated and should be kind of shy and short. PHILLIP should have a deep voice and very tall like a grown up.LOGAN, of course, should be super nice and should also talk a lot, but look fragile. Good actors are:
    DAISY “CARPENTER”= Someone who has brown hair but wears a blond wig
    That’s all I have…..
    Scenes you have to include are:
    How Logan got his scars, everything that happened in the past, and Phllip’s violin solos. And Daisy’s talk with AJ and her flower she put in her candy.
    The setting should be very bright but in Daisy’s house there should be some sort of secret passage.

    Please use these ideas in the movie, it is my favorite book and you are my favorite author I read every single word you wrote and published even if it was about Ray Bradbury. I’ve watched JERMEY FINK AND THE MEANING OF LIFE too and I tried to find another movie based on your books but when I googled it there was nothing.
    Thank you,

  142. Rahma on October 10, 2013 at 1:16 am

    Do you think you’re going to make Candymakers into a series? because it’s SO GOOD!! I think it would be really good if you have a sequel. Thanks

  143. piffletothat on October 13, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    One thing that never travels from books to movies are,the characters thoughts. If you could even get a smidge of those thoughts into the movie it be amazing!

  144. Camille on October 31, 2013 at 12:09 pm

    Spy stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  145. Sophia on December 7, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    i really think that daisy should be a blonde with a bob cut and wear lots of yellow and aqua. lots of detail on candy to where you can almost taste it dont make it too different than the book

  146. Sophia on December 7, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    use the kid who plays wendall for phillip

  147. kim on January 5, 2014 at 1:39 am

    Please, please, please do a part 2 to a mango shaped space? I am a mom of 4 and recently lost my mother figure ( my aunt ) as a mom I really had not given myself permission to grieve, this book really helped me to let go. I feel like such a kid for this. When my daughter read me this book I cried like a baby. I really need to know what happens. I really want to know if Mia takes the kitten (mustard) and what happens with Billy? Please I beg of you Wendy. Thank you!

  148. camera9girl on January 5, 2014 at 9:58 pm

    Hello Wendy! I would LOVE it if CandyMakers came out as a movie! I absolutely adore your books! I love that Daisy is a spy, and Philip has a musical secret, and… well… all of it! Please write more books. I love them! [By the way, you pick out the perfect titles!] Well, thanks so much Wendy!

  149. Kayla on January 19, 2014 at 10:44 pm

    Are they definetly making the candymakers into a movie? When will they start casting/filming?

    • Wendy Mass on January 22, 2014 at 10:45 am

      Still in the getting-the-script-around stage. It’s very exciting though! Will post news as soon as i know anything. :o)

  150. Skylie on February 13, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    Ms. Wendy Mass,

    I am checking your blog almost every day to see if you posted any information on audition schedules!

    I’m so bubbly about even having the chance to audition for Daisy (even a competitor/flash-back extra)!

    Love to be apart of a movie,


    • Wendy Mass on February 15, 2014 at 10:12 pm

      Hi Skylie!! The wonderful Candymakers screenwriter just finished script revisions, but that’s still only the first step..many to go. I promise I’ll update with any news if it looks like the movie is on its way. xo

      • Skylie on February 19, 2014 at 10:51 am



      • Mariah on March 23, 2014 at 8:42 pm

        Yes I would LOVE to audition for this movie will you keep me updated? Thanks!

  151. Cheyenne on February 17, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    I just want to say you are one of my absolute favorite authors of all time. I LOVE the Willow Falls series, and Candymakers is probably my favorite book ever. I can’t wait for the movie, and I hope to audition (probably as an extra :P) Also, will there ever be a sequel to Candymakers?

    • Wendy Mass on February 17, 2014 at 10:05 pm

      Thanks Cheyenne! I’ll be able to answer that last question very soon!

    • Aditti Patel on December 13, 2014 at 7:57 pm

      I really want a sequel for Candymakers. I hope there will be a movie in the making. 🙂

  152. Raquel on February 18, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    I absoloutly love the candymakers! I have read it twice, once a year ago and yesterday! I am so happy it is becoming a movie! I am also really OCD about books becoming movies especially amazing ones like the candymakers. I really want personalites and the setting to show through because that is soo important in this book. I hope the cast members also really reflect the characters in the book, though I know that its hard for any book-turned-movie to be perfect for everyone, becuase we all dont visualize it the same way. Also, if the actors could be believable? like i want to really believe and love Logan, and feel cheered up by Daisy, but also see the side of her when she gets mad, and how tho miles is all booky, I want him to be funny becuase he made me laugh. Phillip should be a jerk but also, towards the end show his other side. And all the characters should be included! Like Max, and fran, and steve and lenny, and most definetly AJ and henry. I hope this comes out to be an amazing movie! Oh and the factory should be like colorful and bright and big and signs that say S’more smores, and Taffy room. I just want the book to come alive 🙂 I hope i dont sound demanding :)))
    And if Wendy Mass reads this please reply <3333

    • Raquel on February 18, 2014 at 8:39 pm

      Oh and PLEASE SEQUEL! i was so sad when i finished i just wanted to read it over and over again! Its one of those books who just wish was true. I really felt like i wanted to meet Logan and all the characters and see the factory

    • Wendy Mass on February 18, 2014 at 11:34 pm

      Great ideas!!! I really think you’ll be happy with the screenplay, which I was really excited to read. That’s the first step in the long voyage to the screen. Fingers crossed it makes it! :o)
      Thanks for putting so much thought into it, i appreciate it!

  153. Vy on March 4, 2014 at 8:35 pm

    Oh my gosh!!! I can’t believe you’re going to make a movie!!! I’m a big fan of this book; I love it so much! Can’t wait to tell my friends about this!!!
    I would really like to see everything in the book in the movie because the book was AWESOME!!!
    I hope the movie makes it to the screen too!!!!

    • Vy on March 7, 2014 at 9:33 pm

      OH YEA!!! P.S: Here’s a tip. So you want to make 450 pages into a nine minute movie? Well, if you do the math, just take 5 minutes for each page!!! XD

  154. Aubrey on March 31, 2014 at 10:21 am

    This would probably be asking too much…but I think the movie would work out better animated than live action. Either way, I’m sure it’ll be great. The Candymakers is my favorite book at the moment, and I just hope the movie turns out almost as good as the book–it couldn’t be better than it, though!
    Good luck, and make sure everything is the right color. Nothing bothers me more than things in movies being the wrong color.

  155. thing23 on April 2, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    Hi, Wendy i LOVE your book The Candymakers (i have not finished it yet) i would really like to see Daisy on her horse Magpie riding into the Candy factory and Logan and Miles looking at it in awe i can not wait into your movie comes out 🙂


  156. Analisse on April 12, 2014 at 11:31 pm

    Hi Ms. Mass, I just finished reading the book Candymakers and it ia AWESOME! The movie should DEFINITELY have all the spy gadgets Daisy had, and of course, the factory rooms. They sounded so real and amazing, and they also reminded me of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Most of all though, it HAS to have the part where Miles figures out who the “girl who moved away” is. That was a heartwarming, nice, part that I really liked.

  157. Bailey on April 14, 2014 at 8:05 pm

    OMIGOSH I JST REALIZED I NEED TO READ THIS. Plus, I think mangos look scrumptious. I want to read it RIGHT NOW. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE I CAN GET IT FOR A REASONABLE PRICE. And a movie to this or candy makers? Please answer my question, trying not to sound demanding! 😉 please keep up with the willow falls series and make a movie up of that pretty please with a cherry on top!!!!! Thx!!! 🙂 😉

  158. gilly yellow on April 16, 2014 at 6:08 pm

    i love mango shaped space and like all of your books!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know this was posted a year ago but i just suggest in the movie you absolutely need to keep the movie exactly how the book is the book is very interesting ad should be kept that way any changes would bother me

  159. Madyn on April 27, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    Absolutely include the part were Daisy carries Phillip and also all of Daisy’s cool gadgets, and when there are flashbacks get all her different costumes! I love flashbacks in movies!

  160. Bethany on May 5, 2014 at 8:37 pm

    I loved the A Mango-Shaped space!! My local library got it. I loved The Candymakers!!!! I think one of the important is that the characters really look like the way they are described in the book. For me, it bothers me when the characters look nothing like the way they are described. Like in the Percy Jackson movies, Annabeth (one of the main characters) doesn’t have at all the same style as the Annabeth in the book. That’s just my suggestion.

  161. Lyra on May 24, 2014 at 7:26 am

    Dear Wendy Mass,
    Oh my goodness! I loved A Mango-Shaped Space! it’s the latest book I read written by you. My warmest congratulations on reaching its 10th anniversary! The story was so touching and something kids like me could relate to. If Mia was someone I met, I would definitely want to be her best friend. It’s so awesome how she can see different colors and shapes by just hearing certain sounds.

    About the Candymakers Movie, it would be amazing to hear Philipp play the Stradivarius. It’s one of the scenes where we could see the real Philipp, and that would be so amazing if it was showed in the film. I am also indeed, thrilled to know that the Candymakers will have a sequel! Lovely!

    If asked, which character of any of your books would most likely resemble yourself? I would love to hear your reply!

    From one of your fans,

    • Wendy Mass on August 18, 2016 at 11:38 pm

      Wow! I have to say there is a little bit of me in several and not one that is all me. Thank you for reading. Good question!

  162. MK on June 5, 2014 at 10:00 am

    I want to thank you. I had a very similar experience to Mia. I thought everyone had colors until about second grade. After being shot down by a friend who told be “Sounds don”t have color you idiot!”, I didn’t tell anyone, thinking I was some freak of nature. Then I read Mango and felt better knowing I wasn’t being hunted for lab experimentation (I’m a bit dramatic). Keeping my fingers crossed for a Mango movie!
    Thanks again.

  163. Nicole on June 11, 2014 at 10:01 am

    I have no intrest in being in the movie but I do in being apart of it. I hope i could be an assistant to you during the movie making. I’ve always loved the way the behind the scenes stuff works. It’s actually quite exhilirating. I actually have the candymakers on my bed RIGHT NOW WITH ME. Well, I should get back to work on my book. hope to see you soon!!! Signed,
    bailey nicole 🙂

  164. Nicole on June 12, 2014 at 12:33 pm

    I’m on page like 133 on the Candymakers and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!! So far, I’d want you to include…
    (the character traits)
    1. Philliph’s mean and cleanleness (what the heck is up with him?)
    2. Daisy’s awesomeness and being herself-ness
    3. Miles’s love for books and langauge. (Is there an actuall book like that???)
    4. Logan’s suspiciousness and love for candy. (how cool would it be to live in a candy factory?!)
    (my top 5 scenes so far. REMEMBER I’M ON PAGE 133!!!)
    1. When Daisy rides on the horse to get to the factory on the 2nd day.
    2. When Daisy pats the big green blob. (I’d be SOOO cute!)
    3. When Phillip sticks his hand in the fountain.
    4. When Logan asked his mom and dad if Miles can spend the night.
    5. When Logan has to go look for Miles because he’s afraid if he got lost.
    Sorry for the long note, I’ve been soooooooooooo excited about it!!!!!!! I can’t wait for more news!!!!!!! You are an amazing writer and I hope to be like you when I grow up! Oh, and one more thing, about the movie, I had a few suggestions on what they should look like.
    1. Logan should have this everyday kind of boy-ish look. Jeans, a t-shirt with a band name on it or something like that. Air- Jordan high-tops/shoes? Possibly if at all, brown/black, messy hair.
    2. Miles should have the boy-ish look that I suggested for Logan. Maybe khakis? Sandals? Sandy-blonde hair? I’m just saying what I can visualize them as.
    3. Phillip should have this I’m to good for you look. A suit and tie and hankerchief, (scene suggestion #3.) Maybe brown hair. Perfectly placed, every hair gelled. I’d also take every chance I got to make him say something snotty. He’s SO conceded!!!
    4. Daisy should have that tomboy ‘I’m gonna get down and dirty, just watch me.’ look. Blue dry more tech t-shirt, tan-ish brown khakis, sandals and/or flip-flops. Nike’s for some scenes. Little to no make up. I suggest eyeliner, little mascara, concealer. Maybe a little blush to make her a little more rosy.
    5. Max should almost always be in a lab coat. Maybe glasses.
    Sorry for the long comment. You are amazing and don’t you ever forget it!! Sincerely a fellow writer,
    Bailey Nicole 🙂

  165. Shaina on August 2, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    Hello Wendy Mass,

    I have always loved your books and the Candymakers is personally one of my favorites so of coarse I freaked out when I saw this!! I know that this was posted about 2 years ago but I just got around to looking at you’re page. Well I have just one scene from the book that I would to see in the movie. I’d like to see the part when Miles finds out that Daisy didn’t really die in the lake. I thought that that was a really happy (yet sad in a way) scene. Also I would love the setting to be a huge priority! One more thing I was reading some of the other comments and was seeing that there might be some chances to be an extra in the movie. If this is true I would love to have some information.



  166. Janey on October 18, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    The main reason I like the book is because it’s so happy and colorful in my mind. All the different color candies, and the unique smells and characteristics of the factory, people, candy. The people who make the movie shouldn’t try to change it and make it reality.:D

  167. Aditti Patel on December 13, 2014 at 7:54 pm

    Hi Wendy! I love your books so much. I read them all when they come out. I hope I can meet you one day. THAT WOULD BE THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I just read Pi in the Sky and I love it so much. I love Mango also. Did you know I have a friend named Mia?
    Aditti (Your fan)

    • Wendy Mass on December 31, 2014 at 11:42 am

      Hi! (to you AND Mia!) It would be fun to see you, too! I do a lot of school visits so maybe i’ll wind up in your town. 🙂 Till then, all my best wishes! :O)

  168. Belle on December 22, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    “If you enjoy life while you have it,
    Then it doesn’t matter how long you have it for.
    No one knows how long they have to live.
    It’s like a deal you make when your born,
    To accept what happens to you.”

  169. Logan Wittmann on January 5, 2015 at 11:24 pm

    I want the characters to actually be like twelve I want the setting it gives us in the book I want everything just like the book but sadly the book is always way better than the movie

  170. rosa on February 5, 2015 at 7:18 pm

    I love the seen where they all revile there secrets at the factory

  171. Brianon Sheffield on March 3, 2015 at 11:04 am

    My fourth grade class requests these scenes be included in the movie:

    -keep the harmonicandy
    -keep Daisy’s “romance novel”
    -secret ingredient stealing scene int he cocoa room
    -keep the different perspectives
    -Big Billy being a small old man
    -the bacon pop win fakeout
    -Phillip playing the violin in the candy hall
    -keep all the different kinds of candy
    -Philip discovering the stradivarius in the storage room and playing a few notes
    -Daisy’s three g’s
    -all the hugging when Miles finds out Daisy is alive
    -keep reggie!!
    -the end of the book boat scene
    -keep the backwards talk
    -the judges’ reactions to eating all the different candies
    -Keep Aj handing out the award at the end

  172. Sarah on June 25, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    Wow!!!! I can’t believe it!!! Some things that I think would be very important to keep (I would say the entire book and all its dialogue, but that would be unrealistic as far as movies go)

    • Daisy’s “romance novel”
    • Miles’s talking backwards, intrest in the afterlife, and allergies
    • Chocolate Pizza
    • Daisy lifting the taffy like it weighs nothing
    • Henry
    • AJ
    • Magpie
    • Daisy’s prep session/ outfit
    • The 3G’s, Bee Happys, Bubbletastic ChocoRocket, and Harmonicandy
    • Philip’s violin playing
    • The sleepover in the Tropical Room
    • Philip’s comments about the factory being “unsanitary”
    • The toy truck
    • All the candy
    • Alex Gruber
    • Logan distracting his mom by saying he saw Miss Paulina from Miss Paulina’s Candy Palace
    • Philip’s dad trying to take over the factory
    • Reggie

    Okay, wow that was a long list! I probably forgot a lot of it but oh well!

    P.S. Mrs. Mass, (Ms.?! Miss?! Wendy?! Amazing fantabulous super-awesome author?! What do you like to be called?!) if you’re reading this, I just want to let you know that your books were my best freinds for a really long time, and they will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you so, so, so much for writing them.

    P.P.S. I just finished Pi In The Sky, and let me tell you, I cried so hard! I was bawling like a baby at the end :). It was wonderful, by the way! I usually don’t like science fiction but the characters were so realistic (And oddly relatable considering that the main one is the seventh son of The Surpreme Lord Of The Universe) that I absolutley loved it. And I probably learned more from one book than I did from a whole year of honors biology!

    P.P.P.S. Also, I just found out that Graceful is a thing. I love the Willow falls books as well, and I honestly thought that The Last Present was literally, the last book in the series. I’m just so HAPPY!!!! *dances around room*

    Thinking back, after wishing on every star, birthday candle (mine or someone else’s) and fallen out eyelash for a full two years that there would be a sequel to the Candymakers (Hmm. I’m sounding oddly like Rory Swenson now), my mom gently suggested that it was a stand- alone book. Ha mom! Those wishes really DID count for something, in the grand scheme of things!

    Okay, I need to stop now. This comment is getting wayyyy too long!

    • Wendy Mass on June 10, 2016 at 2:38 pm

      Yes your wish did come true! The new Candymakers will be out Aug 2cd. May all your other wishes come true too! PS I owe you a box of tissues for Pi in the Sky!

  173. WENDY IS MY ROLE MODEL on April 2, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    i really enjoyed the setting, also all the choco and all cool treats and tools and the whole factory. also i very much enjoyed and liked that each characterr had a chance to talk and share their point of veiw.

    i am such a big fan of you, wendy! keep up the good work!
    and one question,ive been trying to write to u but havent got an answer…, when is CANDYMAKERS 2 COMING OUIT???????? i heard spring 2016, but i also heard april. april what? i wanna be there for the big day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 please let me know& kit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    big awesome fan that loves each and every character in ur books deeply to heart, and has u as a rolemodel to write (i love to write… someday i wanna publish some stuff)thx again,(srry this is getting so mushy)

    • Wendy Mass on April 5, 2016 at 7:37 pm

      I love when readers genuinely appreciate my books! Thank you! Keep reading & writing!

  174. jessica on August 19, 2016 at 7:03 pm

    Also have each character narrating and when their part is done, the movie fast-backwards.

    • Wendy Mass on August 25, 2016 at 10:31 pm

      Hi! Thank you for all 3 notes! You have great ideas and I have a feeling one day I will be reading your books or seeing a movie you wrote the screenplay for!

  175. Will on January 10, 2018 at 4:32 pm

    As miles said,“Why do you like books so much?” he asked. Miles answered without taking his face away from the window. “You never know what you’ll learn when you open one. And if it’s a story, you sort of fall into it. Then you live there for a while, instead of, you know, living here.”-Wendy Mass

    This book offers a reality that many books don’t offer. Please make sure if you can to add that quote to the movie.

    • Wendy Mass on April 24, 2018 at 8:49 pm

      Thank you for sharing this quote. I will share it but I never get the final decision with movies. Honored you shared this. 🙂

  176. Reese on April 28, 2018 at 11:29 pm

    Please make a sequel to “Every Soul A Star”! I LOVE that book! In the movie “The Candymakers” please make sure that you make all the characters (especially Logan) look like what they are described as in the book! I really want to know what the characters look like!

    • Wendy Mass on December 4, 2022 at 6:19 pm

      I don’t think there will be a sequel to ESAS, but I did sneak the characters into the sequel to the CM’s, so you’d see them there. I agree re the movie!!! Will do my best to make sure that happens, although lots of times it’s out of the author’s hands. But I’ll try. 🙂

  177. Jessica on January 25, 2019 at 12:58 pm

    It’s been a long time…… I really hope that you’re doing good. I was wondering if the movie got cancelled or it’s it’s been delayed. I know it takes a lot of time to make a movie but this was something I was very excited for. If it’s not happening then I hope one day, some of the kids who grew up reading and loving your books will make a Candymakers Movie. Actually, if it was my choice, I would make movies for all your books.

    And one day, when I’m older, in college, or even a parent- I will see a trailer for the best book in the world, and I’ll smile (and watch the movie, of course :))

    Three things that shouldn’t be changed:

    1. The ages of the characters: They are twelve, have them be twelve. I would prefer unknown actors, but I like Mckenna Grace (Gifted) for Daisy, Asher Angel (Andimack) for Philip, An asian, or mixed actor for Miles, and an actual scarred actor for Logan, which I know is hard- if that’s not possible I want at least to not forget about his scars, for fear that they’re too scary for a kids movie becuase they’re an important part of the story.

    2. Their personalities. Yes.

    3. Costumes. I get very annoyed when movies have the actors dressing too fake- I want kids who actually wear kids clothes, and not have it feel like Willy Wonka (not that I have a problem with Willy wonka, but it’s already been done.

    And I’ve said this before, but I hope that one day, I can become as good a writer as you. 🙂

    • Wendy Mass on November 5, 2020 at 9:54 am

      Thank you so much for your insightful comments on the book-to-movie ideas!! There’s still hope for it, and you’re right it takes so long to put a film together, and in this case i guess it’s a big undertaking to build a candy factory–fingers and toes crossed that it happens one day though. I kind of love the image of parents seeing a trailer for it after reading it as kids–although i hope it doesn’t take THAT long! I’m glad to hear you like writing too–check out nanowrimo.org for a great community of writers of all ages. Big hug to you!!! Wendy

  178. Janae on March 3, 2019 at 8:09 am

    Will there be auditions because i’d love to play in this movie

    • Wendy Mass on October 24, 2020 at 5:59 pm

      Still no Candymakers movie on the near horizon but still hopeful for some day 🙂 But that’s really cool that you like to act.

  179. Aliyah Link on March 13, 2019 at 12:04 pm

    I just wrote the saddest poem ever…
    look on the first letters

    Mango was
    A wonder in Mia’s life but did
    Not deserve death he was a
    Great cat found
    On Grandpa’s grave
    & was wheezing but
    Mia saved him and it was
    And now he has moved on to Heaven.

    Lia Link

    • Wendy Mass on October 24, 2020 at 5:56 pm

      Wow that was so beautiful and creative. You have a real gift, thank you for sharing your poem with me. I hope you’ll keep writing 🙂 Big hugs to you! Wendy

  180. 🍥 on March 13, 2020 at 7:30 pm

    I really want the candy makers to become a movie! 😫

    • 🍥 on March 13, 2020 at 7:32 pm

      Ps if it does become a movie, will watch it even if it’s four hours long. 👍

    • Wendy Mass on October 24, 2020 at 5:27 pm

      We have a script, just need to find a movie company willing to build a candy factory 🙂

  181. Andi on May 24, 2021 at 5:31 pm

    I think it would be cool to show all the flashbacks of Logan and Philip

  182. Isa on December 21, 2021 at 6:35 am

    Hi!! I don’t know if you guys are still taking comments, but I hope it’s alright that I comment here too!

    I remember reading the Candymakers a few years ago when I was around 12 years old and absolutely loving it. The charm of each character and how you explained each character in depth with their own point of views (reminding us all to never judge a person simply based on how they act), and how they’re all different but all become true friends is a powerful message, so I really would hope that the story focuses a lot on the characters themselves! As in, not focus JUST on the magic of the factory and its beauty (although of course I wouldn’t want you to NOT focus on that either!), but also the awesome people INSIDE and OUTSIDE it. I’d also say don’t remove any of the side characters. That’d be really sad. I’d be devastated if there was no Henry, Reggie, AJ, Max, Paulo, Avery, Daisy’s grandmother, the parents, and EVERYONE ELSE… you know! I absolutely LOVED your quirky cast of characters. They all just made the book THAT much more colorful and lovable and full of life! So I really hope they’ll all stay.

    I would also say don’t be afraid to get creative! Make it quirky, and colorful, and whimsical in a balanced way! And as for stuff I’d want you to keep… If it were possible, I’d say to make it as similar to the book as possible, to be honest. But I do realize it can’t be done word for word, so stuff like the simple little interactions between the four kids like the picnic and stuff, also the bit in the end with Daisy carrying Philip, and also the interactions between Daisy and AJ (I think their brother/sister relationship is really funny and cute). And when Logan and Miles ran through the cornfield to see the merry-go-round and their conversation about life and death. and ofc the sleepover under the trees. And when AJ got into the convention undercover. Also when Philip and Henry were in the swamp thing, and then Philip’s bet against his dad, then the kids working together even late into the night to thwart Philip’s dad? and ofc Philip playing in the convention, and Logan’s tasting skills, and Daisy’s spy abilities and stunts and gadgets, and Miles talking backwards and talking about the after life… There’s TOO MANY scenes, and this comment is already long enough! 😭 But I would definitely love to see new scenes as well, and yes, like some of the other people here suggested, flashbacks!!!!!! (to when Miles saw Daisy run underwater, and a version in her point of view maybe, when Philip’s mom passed and when Reggie found him playing the violin, when Logan and Philip first met and Logan got burnt, when Daisy and AJ were undercover at the circus, when Daisy met Philip, stuff like that!)

    And of course, yes, casting age appropriate (or at least close to the right age) (which I’m sure you’ll do haha!). I don’t know if you’ve already decided on casting, but some kid actors who you guys could check out are Finn Carr (Miles or Logan?), Felix Jamieson (Philip?), Anton Kottas (Philip?), Honor Davis-Pye (Daisy?), Cohen Day (Logan?), Lila Prideaux (Daisy?), Kenyah Sandy (Philip?), Christopher Farrar (Philip?), Jett Klyne (Miles?) and Jack Griffo as AJ (you MIGHT need to make him look younger, but if it can be done, I believe he has the charm and looks that someone playing AJ needs)!

    And… maybe this will be controversial, and I’m scared typing this LOL, but I’d also say please don’t try to FORCE representation or people’s political opinions when it isn’t necessary. I mean, if you find a way to make it fit PERFECTLY in the story and it’s not just for the sake of “teaching children political correctness” or representation for the sake of representation, if you get what I mean. Because goodness knows we get that a lot already in other stuff, and to me the Candymakers is really about friendship and life. Oh yeah, and please don’t be afraid to get into the deep topics, like death and Logan’s accident. THAT’S the kind of stuff I want to see in this movie, not forced, or badly written representation. 🙂 I really hope you aren’t offended btw because i really don’t mean to offend anyone! And again I don’t think there’s anything wrong with representation as long as its done well and it makes sense. I just don’t want to see stuff that aren’t a part of you or your stories get shoved into it. And because I know that when it starts to feel preachy, it just… I don’t know, takes away from the story, somehow. What I really love about you and your books is your honesty and hope and genuine love for life.

    I really hope this helped somehow! Please know you are one of my favorite authors out there. I really hope I can find a copy of the sequel to the Candymakers soon so that I can FINALLY read it! As a young writer myself, you’re definitely one of my inspirations! I truly hope that I’ll get to meet you in person someday!

    • Wendy Mass on August 2, 2022 at 1:48 pm

      WOW, thank you sooo much for all your amazing ideas and comments about the book!! You’re making me miss those characters all over again lol. The sequel came out a few years ago, but I just finished writing the Prequel, starting Logan’s grandfather, so I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on that!! (although the book won’t be out fill fall of 2024, it’s a graphic novel and they take a lot of time to illustrate, which is a gift I can’t even imagine possessing!!). Thank you for all your insight, you have a soul of a writer!! xo, Wendy

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